LinkedIn Profile for Freelancers

In summer 2018, I worked at LinkedIn as a Product Design intern. I collaborated closely with PM, researcher and engineers to redesign the LinkedIn Profile to better represent people with client-based work, impacting 1M freelancers and 2.5M self-employed workers. I was the only designer on the project and crafted both the view and edit experiences for IOS, desktop & mobile web.



The current LinkedIn Profile is designed to be a template for traditional corporate experiences. As a result, LinkedIn users who engaged in client-based work struggle to represent their experiences on their profiles. This redesign aims to help them highlight their work on LinkedIn and attract new opportunities by highlighting their past clients and validating their expertise.


Key Features

The new design creates clear visual hierarchy that differentiate client experiences from corporate experiences, and allows users to showcase the quality and quantity of their clients as well as their service on profile top level.

  1. Client Section
    Incorporate a client section on existing LinkedIn profile ecosystem. Clients now appear as a subsection under different experiences.


2. New Project Page

Incorporate a client section on existing LinkedIn profile ecosystem. Clients now appear as a subsection under different experiences.


Edit Flow

I also crafted the Edit flow for users to convert their existing experiences to clients or add a new client to their LinkedIn Profiles.


Internal user testing session @LinkedIn with team!


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